After some reasonably settled weather, the wind has come back with Storm Doris passing this way last Thursday. It blew down a lot more ash twigs into the garden, and part of a roof slate, but otherwise didn't do any damage. There is to be more (but less severe) wind over the coming week, and more rain too.
Snowdrops outside the window |
The snowdrops, winter aconites and Cyclamen coum are still performing well, and the Crocus tommasinianus 'Whitewell Purple' are also out, with some of the early crocus ('Cream Beauty') in one of the pots well in bud. There are also a lot of hellebore flowers, and one bloom on the self-sown pulmonaria over by the wall (must find a better home for it), and the daffodils will be out soon, especially those in the front garden. The winter honeysuckle is finally blooming well; three bullfinches were feasting on its buds the other day, which might explain why it was late into flower this winter. Fortunately most of our bird visitors are content with the food we put out specifically for them, and with the local buglife.
Aubergine 'Bonica' seedlings |
A few weeks ago I sowed aubergine and chilli seeds, hoping to get them off to an early start. Not worth starting up the propagator for them, so I brought them indoors and they've germinated nicely in the utility room. As last year, aubergine 'Ophelia' is a slow starter (and last year's seedlings failed entirely) but 'Bonica' is coming up well. They're currently living on a windowsill indoors. I'll get the tomatoes going soon in the same way. Outside, I see that the birds have dug up some of my shallot sets, so they will need to be replanted; and, with all this wind, it's time to tie in the broad bean plants in the hope that this year they'll grow straight!
Snowdrop posy (Galanthus elwesii) |