Sunday, 11 November 2012

Spring pots

A fine, sunny, not-too-chilly weekend, and the tulip order has arrived, so time to pot up the pots for spring.  I always forget what I've put in them, so, for the record (and this will be more for my use than for your interest!)
- the big pot at the bottom of the garden: Heuchera 'Prince' (a bit dark, but heucheras do furnish a pot), a (very pot-bound) seedling hebe and two euphorbia myrsinites, with some violas that never got planted out this summer (and which may never do anything at all now!).  Underneath, are a few crocus 'Blue Pearl', some 'Tete-a-tete' daffodils and three double tulips - Angelique, Black Hero and Uncle Tom.  I hope the east winds are kind to them.
- two pots on the patio: in the tulip pot is Tulip 'Professor Roentgen', a whopping big parrot tulip, and in the slightly smaller pot is 'Orange Princess'.  Both have a bronze sedge (another good pot-furnisher, the product of a parent plant self-seeding) and some orange pansies.
- two long-tom pots on the patio with alliums: one has A caeruleum, the other A amplectens 'Graceful', both with crocus 'Blue Pearl' on top.

There.  No excuse for forgetting next year.

Flowers still very sparse in the garden, but the marigolds are hanging on in there, and the yellow chrysanthemums are showing good buds (some of which are opening indoors as I type).  The winter jasmine is starting up, and the cyclamen (which I keep forgetting to mention because they're a bit out of sight) are still in bloom.  Apart from the winter viburnums there's not much else of note.  Leaves continue to fall, with the apples mostly still holding on to theirs, and the buddleia and winter honeysuckle still to drop. 

The bird picture hasn't changed much either; tits around when I put seeds out for them (and a big scrap between two small tits - coal and/or marsh tits - this morning), partridges skulking in corners and panicking if you get too close.  A possible sighting of a fieldfare flying over today, but none seen in the garden.  Both sorts of woodpecker too.

Weather is due to turn wet again - but it is mid-November so can't complain too much.

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