Much more exuberant |
The windowbox has been planted up with the leftover salpiglossis and some red-foliaged amaranthus, around a couple of small pale pink fuchsia plants; it's a bit sparse but it'll do. The pots on the patio are doing quite nicely; they're a mix of ricinus (all flowering, remarkably, although I put them in as foliage plants), cosmos, more salpiglossis, the amaranthus and various fillers including a phygelius, a crimson-flowered agyranthemum rescued from the garden centre at the back end of last year and overwintered in the greenhouse, the purple osteospermum, a purple sedum, some bidens which is making a splendid show, and the phormiums for structure. The big pot at the bottom of the garden is also still doing very well. The sweet peas have not flourished, however; Tutankhamun is hanging on in there quite well but only one other plant, a purple bicolour, has survived.
The biennials have been sown in the greenhouse: sweet william, forget-me-nots, bellis and pansies, and some cineraria in the cooler situation of the kitchen windowsill. All are starting to germinate except the pansies, which as a genus seem to have taken a dislike to me.
The area over by the hedge is a bit of a disaster, seriously overgrown with geraniums and long grass, but the butterflies seem to like it; there was a comma in there yesterday, also a tortoiseshell and what I think was a small skipper. Also in there was a very vociferous baby blackbird which seemed to have lost its mum; when I had lunch out on the bench it came and joined me for a bit, then went off next door. I hope mum was just having a siesta, but it did seem to be on its own for a long time. Our usual hen blackbird is still feeding a youngster, and there are still young sparrows about, but the birds have mostly stopped singing so I think most of the nesting is now done. A robin appears from time to time, and a linnet came for a drink today. Our lame woodpigeon has also returned; he hasn't been about for a while (we think he had too many competitors to chase off) so it was nice to see him back. The other pigeons seem mostly to have dispersed, although there's a persistent individual that comes to the patio for food quite a lot.
The weather has been on the cool side, with some showers and a fresh breeze earlier in the week; one night I put the tender plants back into the greenhouse to be on the safe side. There has been warm sun for the past couple of days, however; a little more of that would be welcome.
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