Wednesday 4 January 2017

I can see clearly now the leaves have gone

Good wildlife gardening practice is to leave dead plant-growth over winter to provide cover for insects, but there's no shortage of suitable cover in this garden so a bit of clearing-up won't go amiss.  Now that leaves have fallen and top-growth died back, it's much easier to see what needs to be done.  Down at the entrance to the Dump, the honeysuckle, which hadn't been taken in hand for some years, has had a thorough going-over and cutting back, liberating the poor old chaenomeles that has been smothered by it in recent seasons.  The white Clematis viticella (I forget the variety name) has also been pruned; its growth until this last summer had been modest, but this year it discovered an overhanging hazel branch and made a bid for the skies - pretty, but it needs cutting back if it's not to become leggy.  Mild and dry weather today was a good opportunity to tackle some of the shrub roses, and do some rather random clearing of moss, grass and other unwanted growth in the pond area.  This was noted with approval by various birds, who came to inspect and search for the aforementioned insect life.

Buds on the big hellebore
Weather has been mixed - some rain, a little wind, some dry and frosty days bringing the birds to the patio in search of food and water - but is now turning more settled and cold.  There's no sign yet of birds starting to pair up - still a lot of territorial activity - although some dried grass and similar debris started to shower down gently the other day, suggesting that someone was spring-cleaning a nest site.  The mistle thrushes (there are two) still rule the roost in the apple tree, although the fieldfares, blackbirds and occasionally the greater spotted woodpecker also have a go; the usual birds are around the feeders, and yesterday a willow tit turned up on the fat ball feeder, the first we've seen for many  months.  A pied wagtail also wandered in today; usually they come in really cold weather.  Our front-garden robin is still very friendly (or cheeky depending on your point of view); I've taken to leaving some crumbs for him in one particular place near the kitchen windowsill, and he often goes there when he knows he has attracted my attention, as a little hint.  I could probably train him to take food from my hand, but why would I want to do that?  he's a wild bird and doesn't need taming.

Cyclamen coum
Despite the wintry feel, close inspection of the garden shows that new growth is underway.  Besides the buds on the plants being pruned, there are already some catkins on the hazels, snowdrops (Galanthus elwesii) are starting to show colour, crocuses are nosing up in the pots and the big hellebores will soon be opening their flowers.  I've had to start marking off the patch of daffodils in the lawn so that I don't crunch their shoots underfoot while taking shortcuts.  Down under the winter honeysuckle (Lonicera purpusii - which hasn't yet begun flowering though there are plenty of buds) there are a couple of Cyclamen coum flowers.  And a sure sign that spring isn't too far away: lots of weed seedlings coming up!  Time to start getting on top of those.

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